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Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Crunch Time!!

Seven days until Christmas and I am just now picking my cards up today. And absolutely RUSHING to mail them out. Otherwise they become happy new years cards! I also have not started shopping for Tenley at all. She has two little things in her stocking and that's it. But I did get all the nieces and nephews taken care of so that's something right??  And my tree is up. So go me!
So I will be one of those people contributing to the mad rush of shopping a week before Christmas. I thought this year would be different. But maybe I can try again next year. Be a little better prepared.
But probably not. I am a born procrastinator. Although the second Tenley was born I became a little anal retentive and a big planner. But only when it comes to places we have to be. I start planning who's houses we are going to for holidays a month in advance. And you know what? I'm never stressed out the day before. I get all the politics and hurt feelings out of the way in advance! Because holidays are supposed to be fun. Not stressful. And even though I haven't gotten my shopping done, I'm not the least bit stressed. And I count that as a WIN!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The most perfect, imperfect Christmas tree..

I am a little obsessed with our Christmas tree.
It's bare in some parts and full in others, and it pricks the absolute piss out of me every time I touch it. But I love it.
What do I love about it? It's rustic and simple, and it's ours. It's not only our first tree as a family, but it's the first tree Rob and I have ever had as adults. The last tree either of us had ever had before now was when we lived at home. So that makes it extra special. We're starting family traditions and that is a wonderful thing. Honestly it makes me tear up as I type this.
Saturday morning we loaded up in the truck all bundled up for our big journey into the woods to find the perfect tree. Princess T was jumping up and down with excitement and yelling "Yea!" at her Daddy as he opened the gate to our property. We had barely gotten out of the truck when we spotted a pretty great tree. And upon looking at the rambunctious 17 month old we decided it was probably not in our best interest to go trekking off in the woods. I don't think we would have gotten very far.
So he got to work and started sawing the tree down. T cheered him on as I watched and asked a million questions. This was new for me, we'd always had fake trees. So I was pretty curious about what was going on. He got it down in 2 minutes. Literally. I was shocked. We loaded it up and took pictures to commemorate the occasion.
We headed out to home depot in search of the perfect ornaments. I tried not to go too crazy, because if you buy your stuff all at once rather than build it up over time I would imagine it can get really expensive.
Princess T picked out our new Santa tree skirt, and Rob did the manly job of picking out a tree stand.
We got it up and mostly decorated while T napped, and saved some for her to do when she woke up.
She loves her tree and likes to Ooo and Ahh at it. But for the most part she doesn't mess with it. Unless she's feeling extra mischievous. Then she'll walk over to it and reach for it all the while looking over her shoulder to make sure I am seeing her.

This tree will probably always remain the favorite, and always on my heart, because it's the beginning. It may be a little rough around the edges, it may not be the perfect Southern Living Christmas tree, but it is perfect and wonderful in it's imperfection. Just like us.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stop it with the Susie Freaking Sunshine already!!

Do you have that facebook friend that seems to just emit sunshine and lollipops constantly? Do you want to just punch them in the throat? I know I do. I have a friend or two like that. And I love them, if I didnt' I'd delete them. Also I enjoy stalking them. But it always makes me wonder... Is their life truly that perfect? Do they take their morning poo and fill the toilet up with pure gold? And then donate it to the less fortunate?
Or are they hiding something.
Do they have to say constantly how perfect their life is so that they don't have to admit that they have problems?
Or do they just want to make sure all us common folk know they eat, sleep, and breathe amazingness. . .

For some people I think it's the latter. They just need people to know how awesome they are. But guess what? We're all making fun of you. Because it makes you seem like a douche. Every once in a while stop smiling, show that you are human and that you have a bad days like the rest of us.
Cause constant happiness is creepy. It makes people uneasy.

(disclaimer, I know sometimes I post about how awesome my life is, because it is!! But I also do my fair share of bitching!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My childhood self would be so embarrassed!

As a kid when i fantasized about how awesome it would be as an adult i never imagined I'd look forward to trash pick up day so much. I do. I hate having a full trash can. And I try to shove every last bit in there before I take it down. No trash left behind at my house! And if you ever want to know what the end of the world looks like, come see me on a day I realized I forgot to take the trash down!! It sucks! It's the worst. I stay depressed for days. And kick my own butt for my thoughtlessness.
So on a day that I have a full trashcan watching the truck pick it up is like Christmas morning as a kid! So much excitement! And such hope for that empty trash can and what I can fill it up with this next week!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting in the holiday spirit!

I'm trying to make my house more festive without breaking the bank. So being a huge crafter I have oodles of scraps at my disposal. So I did a little crafting today. I love the results! I took old planters that I'd long since killed the plants inside, and made a B with hot glue, and then spray painted them black. I threw a scrap bow together, cut some limbs from the christmas tree on our property and VOILA!

I don't know what kind of tree it is. I know it's some kind of "Christmas" tree. But oh my, those tree branches were not kind to my fingers! Apparently they have stickers. But it's totally worth it because my house smells like heaven!! If heaven were in a pine tree.

Hopefully when The Man gets home he won't be upset that I "pruned" our tree a little bit. And also he won't notice that I first attempted to cut the branches with something that I think is used to work on cars.

I must be on crack!!

I have gotten more done this morning by nine am than I did all day yesterday!! Go me!! Must have been the three and a half cups of coffee. Or knowing that I'll be gone all afternoon and won't get to do it during afternoon nap. Either way, my house looks fantastic, coffee is already ready to be brewed tomorrow, the trash is down, the dogs are fed, and laundry is going! Wow! I'm so excited. Maybe I'll continue the craziness by ironing the Man's clothes for tomorrow!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Making wise choices..

I have one hour till my Sunday night show comes on. (The Walking Dead). So I have to decide, do I use that time for good, and clean the kitchen, iron clothes, reset my living room. Or for evil, and screw around on the computer, and enjoy my first five minutes of peace all day.  I obviously chose the latter. My little girl has been feeling bad all weekend and that equals misery for mommy. She has been so whiny. So it's nonstop attention from me that she requires. And I'm exhausted.
So a little facebook, a little scarymommy, and then time for zombies!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Grocery shopping, aka HELL!!

If you shop on a budget you know what I'm talking about. Trying to stay within your allotted money, while also getting everything you need is so unbelievably stressful. Add to that, shopping with a 16 month old and you might as well just pull yourself bald before you even walk in the store.

We are pretty loyal Kroger shoppers. And we get our money's worth without a doubt. Last time I fueled up we saved .60 cents a gallon. You really can't beat that. But I feel like I'm constantly having to go back for more stuff. Between the Man and the Child they are eating me out of house and home. I cannot keep food on the shelf. So I decided to try out a Sam's membership. I figured I'd save enough money just on dog food and diapers to make it worth it.

Now I'm a planner. I like to try to make my life as easy as possible, especially since I'm toting around a little tornado. So I got online and went ahead and signed up for my membership before I headed to the store. Apparently I should not have bothered. I get there and they take my drivers license and try to look me up. Nothing. She looks up my phone number. Still nothing. So she asks if I know my membership number. No, didn't think to write that down. Fail on my part, didn't think I'd need it. So here's how the conversation went,
Sam's lady: It doesn't update our system very quickly.
Me: I signed up two hours ago, do you have a phone number for your main office? I can call and get my membership number.
Sam's lady: it's sam's club .com.
Me: no mam, I need the phone number.
Sam's lady: Well we just always tell ppl to go to the website.
Me: Well since I'm one of the last five people on earth who doesn't have a smart phone, We're gonna need to do it old school and get a phone number.
Sam's lady: I can call a manager, but I don't know a phone number.

SERIOUSLY??? Are we so high tech these days that employee's don't even learn the phone numbers anymore??
So I look around at all of their pamphlets around the register, and find a phone number for their credit card machine people. Apparently Sam's supplies credit card machines. So I call them and dude gives me the number and then claims he will transfer me. But WAIT.. "First, mam are you a business owner?"  Umm.. I sell independently, "well let me tell you about our credit card machines", umm.. no, sir, I'm really just trying to get in touch with membership.. "I know, but you can do so much more business with a credit card machine.."  Really sir, I just need membership.  "I understand mam, but..." and then I stopped being so nice and patient. CLICK! And then he called back!! Really?? are they so hard up to sell those things. Douche.
Finally, I get a hold of the membership office, get my id number, and the lady finds me in the computer. But not before she talks to me about her daughters name, which is Alicia, like my middle name, and how it really should be pronounced Aleesia but she's always pronounced it Alicia. Well hon, you're her mom, you can decide how you want to pronounce it the day she's born, no one can say otherwise. OMG, I just spent 45 minutes just trying to get my id so I can shop. And she lost my drivers liscence and had to hunt it down.
But you know what?? I never lost my temper, I never got angry, and this lady, who may or may not have been on drugs, I haven't decided, told me how patient I was for someone who had a baby, and she thanked me and said happy Thanksgiving. And that told me, wow, I'm really growing up. Back in the day I probably would have lost it. But then some guy that worked in the tire department walked by and tried to touch T. So I did lose it a little. Keep your filthy hands to yourself.

I go about my business and shop, and realize within the first five minutes of actual shopping that OMG, they really do have great deals. Two giant sizes or apple juice are the same price as one regular sized one at Kroger. And a 10lb bag of  Tyson chicken breasts is only 22 dollars compared to a 3lb bag of Kroger brand for 8 dollars! SCORE!!! So it was a great shopping trip. I got a lot for my money and was pretty happy with my membership.

But then I check out, and start looking, and I start getting that nervous sinking feeling like, did I buy enough?? Did I just blow money on nothing and I'm going to have to go back and spend more money?? So all day I'm stressing and thinking sure, I got a lot for my money but did I really buy a lot? And I'm so nervous. But then, the Man, my sweet bottomless pit man, comes home and looks in the pantry, and says, "Now THAT is what a pantry is supposed to look like after you grocery shop!!"
Whew.. Crisis averted. The Man is happy. He just sees the thirty days worth of chips and thinks he's set. But as long as he's happy, I'm happy.

Also, I don't know if any of you know this, but at Sam's you can make a list of what you want and send it to them, and they will gather it all up and have it waiting for you the next day. FOR FREE!! This frazzled mommy is definitely taking advantage of that!!!!

Moral of this story. We put ourselves on a budget not because we necessarily have to, but because it's a good idea to try to keep the grocery bill tame. But the major stress it causes me to try to stay in that budget really got me thinking. Their are mom's out there who have little money, and they really have to make it spread thin at the grocery store. I cannot imagine that kind of pressure. And I get now why some mom's have to feed their kids processed foods, processed foods are cheaper. And when you have little money you go with what's cheaper. So it's not their fault.
Their are so many advocates for healthy eating in America, and getting childhood obesity down, but really if you want people to buy healthier stuff, make it more affordable. I spend WAY more when I'm shopping healthy than when I'm not really thinking about it. And that's the problem. If it was affordable I don't know a mom in the world who wouldn't get what's best for their child.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A little outdoor fun!!

T and I went down to our local park to run off some energy. I'm pretty sure she had the best time of her life. It was pretty cute. She played in the dirt, tried to eat rocks, chased Mommy around, went through a hay fort. It was a blast. I love having somewhere so close to go play. It's literally right down the road. Saves on gas and we still feel like we did something active for the day. It's hard to break up the monotony of the day sometimes. A friend of mine over at shared a great post about living each day with intention. It really hit home for me, I try so hard to do that with Princess T but it doesn't always happen.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stay at home mom's do not get sick days..

Mommy feels like poo.  There's the old adage that "when Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy", Well it's true to a certain extent. Kids and husbands please be kind to mommy and keep her happy, because she will in turn make you happy. BUT I try very very hard not to let my bad mood, or my feeling bad affect T and her daily life. Yes there are sometimes it can't be helped, but she's just a kid. She won't understand that I'm not really mad at her, I'm just feeling really bad or ticked off at Daddy.
Today I have a migraine that is going from my right temple all the way into my right shoulder blade. My shoulder, ear, head, neck all hurt. You name it, it hurts. And then to top it off, as I'm laying my head on the heating pad trying to ease the pain I stab myself in the RIGHT eye with the plastic corner. So needless to say that felt awesome. So now my entire right upper body hurts in some way.
T is asleep and I'm really trying to get my game face on before she wakes up. It's tough. I wonder how some of the other mommy's do it. I know that my mom had very bad migraines when we were kids. Like bad to the point she couldn't get out of bed some days. We turned out ok, and worship our mom. So a few sick days here and there aren't going to kill me. Or T. But I want to be a fun, loving, and playful Mom always and you can't do that  (as well) when you are sick. So this mess needs to back off!! I don't have time to be less than my best for my precious little girl.
How do you other Mommy's handle "sick days"?

Friday, October 7, 2011


I totally failed at staying off the computer today. The devil won this round.

Trying to find a way to help..

Hi there, I wanted to find a way to help this beautiful new mom, as a mom myself her story and what she is going through has really touched my heart. I've set up an event for her through Thirty-One products, which I sell, and for every item purchased I will donate 20% of the cost of the product to Leslie. Just click on the link and select shop now. It's as easy as that. This will be a great way to... get a head start on your holiday shopping and to also give a helping hand. If anyone has any questions feel free to email me. And please pass this link around to your friends.

Leslie, at just 29 years of age, was diagnosed with AML (Leukemia) on September 21, 2011.... near the end of her pregnancy. The same day, she had her son (Ayden). 
Leslie is fighting for her life and we are here to support her :) 

OR please shop at the link below.  20% of all sales go to Leslie.

My computer needs an exorcism

Can I please say how much I HATE getting up at five am every day. But, once I get Rob off to work I do enjoy the solitude. I play on the computer, drink my coffee, do my facebook stalking.
yes I stalk you, and I also make fun of you, often.

I try really hard not to get back on the computer the rest of the day unless it's naptime. And I really shouldn't even at nap time. I should be cleaning. Why does facebook, pinterest, scarymommy, and my email suck me in so bad?? I swear the devil lives in my computer. He says "come to me, waste some time, don't do those dishes it's boring!"
And so the five minutes I allow myself turns into the entire naptime. When I very well could have gotten some work done.
I fail. Starting today I'm going to stay off the computer ALLLL day until tonight's bed time.
I will let you know how it goes around seven.
What will I do without Pinterest?? Where will I get my ideas?? My brain you say?? That's crazy talk.
Here I go......
Shutting down now....
No you hang up first..
ok, I'm going..
Don't say I didn't warn you...


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Guide to being a good wife..

If you will notice the link directly to your right, it is a guide to being a SAHM. The feminist in you will probably hate it. But if you really think about it, you will realize these are things you should be doing. I consider the house and my child to be my JOB. But you don't get paid you say, uh, yes, I do get paid. R goes out and works and provides for this family so that I can stay home and raise our daughter, he gives us anything we need, and takes great care of us. And that is my payment. Plus every once in a while T slips me a bonus check, kisses, hugs, drool, something slimy down my shirt. She's always generous.
So take a look at the link, and try to implement some of those things in your daily life.

Fall is here!!

Princess T and I have really been getting ready for fall. I've been trying to do a little bit of decorating around the house. I love holidays and I always want her to remember that they were fun and we had a great time preparing for them.

Here's what she and I did yesterday. She helped a ton! HA! Maybe next year she'll help even more.

She carried the ghosts down the drive for me!

And here's what Mommy worked on during naptime.

T found these at our local park and brought them home with her.
It adds a nice little fall touch to the house for very little money. Got the frames at Target for $2 dollars. Although I would like to paint them a rich gold, so that will be a few more dollars. Not too bad, I also plan to reuse the frames closer to Christmas, maybe with some holly leaves in them. Also this idea came from Pinterest, and it is officially my first finished project from that site. I LOVE PINTEREST!! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 3

I just put her in her bed for her morning nap at 10:10, it is now 10:13 and I hear no crying.... OMG.
Is this really happening?? Am I the luckiest Mom ever or is there something to waiting till they are this age to let them "cry it out"??

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day number two! Easy!!!

So it's day number two, and we did the same thing for her morning nap that we did yesterday, nurse, rock, and lay her down. And she fussed and she threw fits, but she didn't absolutely break down and sob. And ten minutes later she was passed out. It was amazing. I couldn't believe it.
She only slept for 45 minutes but it's going to take some time, I know that. But we're off to a great start I think! I am so excited that so far I haven't had to listen to her scream for an hour! Knock on wood though. Cause we haven't started at bed time yet.

Afternoon nap, Same deal, very minimal crying, lots of fussing, but SEVEN minutes later she was asleep. Face down in her favoite position.
I am just in awe.
I really think the key to this whole thing was waiting till she was old enough to understand that just because she's in her bed and she can't see Mommy, that Mommy is still there, and will come back. If we'd done this when she was younger I think it may have been a lot more crying, which means a lot harder on me and her!! But it's still a work in progress. Who knows, tomorrow she could completely change it up and cry for an hour and totally break me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nap one: HORRIBLE, and then Not too bad...

So the morning nap didn't happen, we attempted with the afternoon nap. I nursed her and then rocked her till she was just almost asleep and then I put her in her bed.  When I laid her down she IMMEDIATELY started screaming and balling up her fists. And then her entire body started shaking and she cried so long and hard she quit breathing!!  In my head I'm thinking, "Oh baby Jesus!!! I can't do this!!", So I picked her up! Bad Mommy I know, I'm not strong, but she was shaking and not breathing!! So I calmed her down and we tried again, I was comforted in how quickly she calmed down, and I knew she wasn't hurt she was just pissed off. So I laid her back down, kissed her on the head and left the room.
She cried, and she sobbed, and she screamed absolute bloody murder, and I laid in the hall DYING!! After what felt like an eternity I went in and got her. And we rocked and I held her tighter than I've ever held her before. And I felt like the worst mom ever. Because she clung to me like someone who thought they'd never see me again. It was pretty hardbreaking. I had every intention of never trying this again at that point. I think I even whispered to her that she could sleep in my bed til she was 18 for all I cared.
And then I looked at my watch.... It'd only been THREE MINUTES!!!!! She only cried for three minutes??? What??? It felt like forever!!!! Man my child can wind up fast. Wow..
So I decided she was totally playing me. And we'd try again. I did hold her and rock her until she stopped hiccuping out her last sobs, and then we started over. With my resolve being a little stronger.
This time I did not go back in. I did lay in the hall and peek my camera around the door so I could see that she was ok.
And 27 minutes later she was passed out! I mean passed completely out!!  She slept for two hours!! It was a Christmas miracle!! For the first time ever when she woke up, she was not groggy, she was ready to play, and she was in the most fantastic mood!!!
And I'm thinking, I can totally do this. It will be worth it for both of us.  I can't wait to see how tomorrow's nap goes!!
Princess T is eating super delicious muffin pancakes for breakfast. Someone must have a great mom! Or just a mom that r

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Here we go, Something I said I'd never do...

I have always been strongly against the cry it out method, otherwise known as Ferberizing. My Pediatrician has told us from the time T was three months old that we needed to do it. I've researched and concluded that it was just not for us. Fast forward to now, when T is three weeks away from her first birthday, and thinks a thirty minute nap in the morning and afternoon is good enough and here's where I am. ready to give it a try.
My problem with doing it when she was younger was based on the thought that she is still learning to trust me. And how is she going to learn to trust me and know that I will always be there for her when I put her in a strange, dark, lonely room, in her crib and let her cry and scream herself to sleep?? That is not how I wanted our relationship to start.
She's slept comfortably and snuggly in our bed for the past year, and we have loved every minute of family bed.  We adore waking up with her every day and having that family snuggle time. It is one of our favorite things. And I wouldn't trade those memories for all the comfortable sleep in the world.
As a little baby she would take the occasional nap in her crib or swing but never for more than thirty minutes or so. Now as a bigger baby, she'll sleep in her swing for an hour or less for naptime. And most naptimes she does sleep in her swing. But I've noticed more and more lately that when she wakes up she's still showing signs of sleepiness, eye rubbing, laying her head on my shoulder, that sort of thing. She never seems to wake up refreshed.
So today, after much conversation with my sister, and even more inner soul searching I decided today is the day to start letting her cry it out. My plan is to just do it for her two daytime naps and once she gets used to that, then I will start at nighttime.
I know this will be the best thing for her, and for my back, I wake up every morning smushed up against the wall with a back ache or a headache or both! She's a bed HOG!
So here goes! Wish me luck, and I'll keep you posted!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Delicious and Healthy!!

Here's a super helpful thing that I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of.  Add lemon juice,fresh or bottle, to your ice cubes for your water in the summer!! I just started doing this and the ice melts so fast that I get a nice subtle lemon flavor. Makes it a lot easier to drink the water I need on a hot day when it's so delicious!!
Tenley and i spent the afternoon in the pool. I have such a water baby! She loves it so much and is fearless!
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My sweet angel in the pool. LOVES it!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tenley's 1st Birthday!!! AHHHHH!!!

Well it's coming up on Tenley's 1st birthday. I cannot believe it. So that is why this is my first post. Who has time to post when you're chasing a crawling baby everywhere!! It is so bittersweet, her birthday, I delight in watching her grow everyday but I am sad because it is happening way way too fast. I'm sure all you mom's out there know how that goes. The past year has gone by in what seems like a matter of weeks. And now she's about to start walking! That is ridiculous!! My angel, she's growing up. She's beautiful, healthy, intelligent, and so so happy. And I could not ask for anything more out of life then to continue to be able to watch her grow.