Mommy feels like poo. There's the old adage that "when Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy", Well it's true to a certain extent. Kids and husbands please be kind to mommy and keep her happy, because she will in turn make you happy. BUT I try very very hard not to let my bad mood, or my feeling bad affect T and her daily life. Yes there are sometimes it can't be helped, but she's just a kid. She won't understand that I'm not really mad at her, I'm just feeling really bad or ticked off at Daddy.
Today I have a migraine that is going from my right temple all the way into my right shoulder blade. My shoulder, ear, head, neck all hurt. You name it, it hurts. And then to top it off, as I'm laying my head on the heating pad trying to ease the pain I stab myself in the RIGHT eye with the plastic corner. So needless to say that felt awesome. So now my entire right upper body hurts in some way.
T is asleep and I'm really trying to get my game face on before she wakes up. It's tough. I wonder how some of the other mommy's do it. I know that my mom had very bad migraines when we were kids. Like bad to the point she couldn't get out of bed some days. We turned out ok, and worship our mom. So a few sick days here and there aren't going to kill me. Or T. But I want to be a fun, loving, and playful Mom always and you can't do that (as well) when you are sick. So this mess needs to back off!! I don't have time to be less than my best for my precious little girl.
How do you other Mommy's handle "sick days"?
I know what you mean, moms never get sick days. Sometimes all we can do is just survive.