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Monday, March 31, 2014

I'm a junky person

I struggle with being junky. I junk up my car, my room, my purse, my life! I'm messy and I admit it.
BUT in my old age and especially now that I'm in charge of another human I am working very hard on changing my habits. Starting with my house first of course. I've started following The FlyLady. She's amazing and if not for her Crisis Cleaning Podcast my house would never be clean and ready for "The Man" to get home from work.
"The Princess" and I are working on changing our habits, we're both starting from scratch, her because she's a tiny kiddo and me cause I have bad habits.
We've each got morning and night routines that we follow, post on that soon, and I'm attempting a new routine to keep my car from getting out of hand. I just cleaned and detailed it and then realized that my console always looks messy because I keep so many little things close at hand. Lipstick, mascara, pens, money, you name it it's junking up my console. SO... I had this brilliant idea. I'm keeping everything in a Thirty One Soft Eyeglass case! TaDa!!!

So far it's working out really well. I throw everything I "need" in it and then either leave it in the console looking all cute or throw it in my bag when I get out. And if "the man" needs to drive my car he just throws it in the little pocket thing.

Now.. if I could only find my sunglasses.. 

Which emotion will you choose?

Sometimes it's hard not to wake up in a bad mood just because it's Monday. Stupid Monday. 
You can't control that it's Monday, (again!)
You can control how you feel about it!  So what are you going to do with this brand new day? I think I'm going to bless my home with a little home blessing hour from the fly lady. And then I'm going to take my kiddo outside because it's going to be a beautiful day! 
Happy Monday everyone! 
Make good choices!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Eye roll y'all!

Are you a quitter?

I've always been a quitter. I'm not proud of it. I hate it about myself. But I just always have been. When something got hard or didn't come easy anymore I'd quit.
So it's no surprise to myself or anyone around me that I almost quit selling Thirty One.
I would sit at home with my daughter and whine (in my head) about how it wasn't working for me. Doesn't that sound funny? Sitting around whining because something wasn't working? Rather than going out and making it work. I think I expected people to call me to book a party. Thankfully my lovely director who I hated then and adore now refused to let me quit. She gave me a little tough momma love and I got off my tuckus and got busy. And you know what? She was right. When you work this business like it's your job, it will pay you like one. When you work it like a hobby, it's going to pay you like a hobby. End of story.
So when I stopped whining and started working my business and life in general thrived!
I've never regretted NOT giving up. But I know I would have regretted giving up. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What sets your soul on fire?

When I decided to sell Thirty One my #31why was pretty simple, as a new SAHM I wanted to be able to contribute. Even just a little. My goal was to pay for one grocery trip a month and to be able to pay for the extra things that my daughter and I liked to do. 
It has since changed and evolved, I'm paying for much more than just one grocery trip a month and feel like a contributing member of my household. 
My why is now bigger than me. It includes other people. 27 to be exact. 
27 women who are taking charge of their life in one way or another. Some who have small goals and some who have large goals. 
Watching these ladies work hard to achieve these goals is what sets my soul on fire. It pushes me to work just as hard. 
Seeing that hard work payoff is my new why.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's so windy today!!!

I love making images. And my precious girl loved starring in this one! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Me choose?? Me??

Monogramming is the most fun thing ever! If it's not moving, monogram it!
But choosing a monogram is like choosing a tattoo.
You want to make sure you are going to be happy with it forever!!

It's a big decision on your own bag. So nothing strikes fear in a consultant's heart like having a customer ask us to choose. You want me to choose your monogram?
What if I pick wrong? What if you hate it? And then you're stuck with it!

Even just picking font for a customer gives me a panic attack! What if I go too girly? Or not girly enough?

If you MUST choose for a customer ask them a few things. Do you like cursive or print lettering? Are you whimsical? What's your favorite color? These things will definitely help, but you'll probably still have a panic attack when you submit your final choice.

Good luck and Godspeed!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Who doesn't love Target??

These accordion files from Target are AMAZING for hostess packets. They have a slot for everything including any money or orders taken by your hostess before her party. And best part? They're only $1! You have to catch the Target $1 spot on the right day but when you do stock up! I love finding these. Especially when they have the pink ones!
And my hostesses love having everything they need at their fingertips!

The last monogram for the rest of my life..

So, I'm getting married!! We're already practically married but we're making it legal. Here's our engagement picture. Watermarked so no one makes us into a meme! We're silly. And it's fabulous.

Anyway, the point! The super amazing thing besides marrying your best friend, is when your last initial doesn't change!! All my beautifully monogrammed Thirty One bags will still be relevant!!! But I did go ahead and order a Zip Top Organizing Tote with my future last name. How could I resist?? They were on sale!! It's beautiful and I love it and I'm obsessed with it. And the best part is the look on "the Man's" face when he saw it. It warmed my tiny baby heart.

Now I just need some wedding themed Thirty One note cards!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


This is actually how I feel!! When I get new product I just want to roll around in it and carry it everywhere!! They say in life you have to find something you are passionate about to be happy. I am DEFINITELY happy!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The perfect baby gift!!

The gift I ordered for my friend's baby shower just came!! I will be filling the Timeless Beauty Bag with all the things she needs for portable baby changing! It's going to be adorable!! Will share pictures when it's finished!

Do you hustle?

I have to remind myself of this. You have to hustle to succeed. It's just fact. I'm a bit of a dreamer. I have a lot of big ideas but I lack the follow through. Thirty One is the first thing that I've really worked for and I am so thankful for it! I found something I love and I can be passionate about! So that helps when it's time to hustle! Now off to work!!