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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Snail mail is IT guys!

Recently I connected with a fellow leader who has KILLER sales every month. She's become my mentor and I'm already learning so much from her. She told me something that we've all heard before which is to send party invites for your hostess. I don't know about you but I LOVE getting mail. I will be much more likely to attend a party if I receive a real invite vs a facebook invite.
I told her, "I've tried to offer and they always turn me down." She said something that is going to change the way I party. She said, "Don't offer. Tell them."
So I did. I told my June hostesses I need you to get me at least 12 addresses of friends or family that you know would love Thirty One by such and such date.

Guess what? She sent 20!! That's 20 women that are going to have a look at our products before the party even happens! Which is awesome!
Another positive? If you have a lot of cancellations this will cut down on that. No one wants to have to call all those folks that have received their invites to cancel. It will be a lot harder to get cold feet!

When it comes to the invites, I ALWAYS use a mini catalog. The guests get a chance to see what to expect at the party and begin to make their wishlists. I put a label with the addresses on the front and I print out a cutely worded invite to stick inside. Cute wording is key! Find out from your hostesses what stage of life she and her guests are in. Tailor it to them. This is fun for you and your hostess to work on together.

You can make these as fancy or plain as you want. I tend to go with cute/fancy because it's eye catching. I want people to remember me and I do that by branding myself using cute graphics and text!

I hope you ladies will try this! You'll spend a little more up front on postage but I think it will be worth it for you in the long run! If you try it let me know in the comments!

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